Sophisticated Relationships
Tower Construction has established relationships with several REITs in this sector including; Avalon Bay Communities [NYSE: ABV], UDR, United Dominion Realty [NYSE: UDR], and Bridge Housing [NYSE: BRDG]. Given the sophistication of such entities, the expectation and mandate for high level construction services, including significant financial & project reporting, is paramount and expected. Additionally, privately held companies such as Waterton also require similar levels of construction knowledge and sophistication.
Sophisticated Relationships
Tower Construction has established relationships with several REITs in this sector including; Avalon Bay Communities [NYSE: ABV], UDR, United Dominion Realty [NYSE: UDR], and Bridge Housing [NYSE: BRDG]. Given the sophistication of such entities, the expectation and mandate for high level construction services, including significant financial & project reporting, is paramount and expected. Additionally, privately held companies such as Waterton also require similar levels of construction knowledge and sophistication.